Monday, April 25, 2011

Cosy Swiss Kitchen

Regula from Oberheimen sent me some pictures of her cosy Swiss Kitchen or Küche in German.
She wrote:"Here are some pictures of my kitchen, that I love so much. Especially the wood stove. It is from the early Sixties and still working perfectly. I love to cook on it. Look at the lush veiw from her Kitchen window!


  1. ooh, thanks for a peek into other folks' kitchens. look forward to seeing more of your blog.

  2. I have major kitchen envy!!! All of your kitchen pics are totally inspiring. And your blogs are brill!!! Happy day to you!

  3. Liz I have had such a lovely time roaming around all these kitchens. I LOVE YOURS.

  4. Thanks for having a peek at my Kitchen Wonderland Dmarie, Op Shop Mama, and Madame Sandra!
